Fire the Entire BLM

Mr. Tamper just got caught in his lies again. Sec Int Kenny Salazar has tampered with science documents relating to offshore drilling [here], he tampered with the the Western Oregon Plan Revision (WOPR) and the Northern Spotted Owl Recovery Plan (NSORP) [here], and now a document Kenny refused to provide Congress, under subpoena, has been leaked.

Kenny’s secret Treasured Landscapes blueprint for subverting democracy has been outed:

BLM document reveals big change in federal land management

By Sarah Dallof,, August 5th, 2010 [here]

SALT LAKE CITY — KSL 5 News has obtained a document that outlines a huge change in how the federal government wants to manage federal land in Utah, and one Utah congressman says it makes him furious.

Congressman Rob Bishop’s office also recently received the document. Bishop said he’s angry because it would put virtually all land management power in the hands of the White House.

“Of the 264 million acres under BLM management, some 130- to 140-million acres are worthy of consideration as treasured lands. These areas [are] roughly equivalent in size to Colorado and Wyoming combined.” - BLM’s Treasured Landscapes paper

A portion of the document was leaked back in February [here] and led to speculation about a federal land grab in Utah. It talked about the creation of a 12 new national monuments.

Now, an outside source provided KSL with the entire document [here], and it does suggest a dramatically new philosophy for managing federal land.

The Bureau of Land Management’s document is stamped with “Internal Draft. Not for release.” Titled “Treasured Landscapes,” it lays out what some consider a sweeping and detailed plan for the next 25 years.

It took Bishop months to get the document, which lays out the context for the snippets released a few months ago. …

Among the key elements in the document:

BLM-managed public lands include rugged mountains, wild deserts and America’s last vesitges of large, untamed landscapes. These landscapes first captured the pioneer spirit and cultivated America’s romantic ideals of the Wild West.

Note the paean to a myth, the American Creation Myth. The use of the words “wild”, “untamed”, “pioneer spirit”, and “romantic ideals” indicate stark denial of previous habitation over thousands of years. Not only were those inhabitants wiped out and/or marched to reservations, the perpetrators of those outrages now deny even the existence of the First Residents.

It’s a a big Wild West according to the unnamed spin-doctor mythologists who wrote this document. Except it isn’t.

The BLM estimates that 35 million acres of its current landholdings, all of which have been identified by the public as worthy of special protection, should be considered for a new and heightened conservation designation. …

Should the legislation process not prove fruitful, or if a nationally significant natural or cultural land resource were to come under the threat of imminent harm, BLM would recommend that the Administration consider using the Antiquities Act to designate new National Monuments by Presidential Proclamation.

Well, it’s Wild, except where it’s cultural. But in any case, screw the established Congressional oversight and just declare 35 million acres of new “wilderness” against the will of our elected representatives.

We don’t need no stinking democracy around here.

Better accounting for the value of public lands left in a condition closer to the land’s natural state — whether measured in the amount of carbon sequestered by a stand of trees or native grasslands …

There’s the Gloooobal Waaarming Card. The BLM is going to sequester that carbon, until they incinerate it in one their Let It Burn holocausts, that is. It’s natural.

…Congress has limited the President’s authority to designate new national monuments in Wyoming and Alaska. … The BLM therefore particularly proposes that the Administration use the BLM’s land-use planning process .. to protect sensitive resources in Wyoming and Alaska.

We don’t need no stinking Congress telling us what to do. We can shut down whole states using our internal “process” and subvert the will of Congress. We’re the BLM; we’re bigger than those stinking elected doowahs. Hahahahahaha!

Maybe the best solution is to fire the entire workforce of the BLM today. They have grown too big for their britches. Maybe a few years in the unemployment line will knock them down a peg or two. Because this country does not belong to the trough sucking functionaries. They are mere servants to the public. The public are the actual owners. We do things democratically, via our elected representatives, in this country. Our democratic system is anathema to the BLM, and unfortunately anti-democracy is an intolerable attitude in our servant class.

Or we could just fire Mr. Tamper, and let that send a message to the suckers in the trough.

It’s really up to Congress. Are they going to put up with a subversive as Sec Int, or are they going to assert democracy?

Smart money says Congress are subversives themselves, and democracy will lose. Again.

8 Aug 2010, 9:19am
by bear bait

A century has gone by and Interior is still a crooked, graft ridden, politically driven, faithless Agency. Oregonians should remember our contribution to the agency. We had Binger Hermann who bought his election to the Senate a couple of times, and was the reason and face of why we switched to the direct election of Senators, no longer having the Oregon Legislature appoint them.

Oregon had Douglas MacKay, a Salem auto dealer and a dam building supporter during the Eisenhower administration, as Sec of Interior. I was a neighbor of Boyd Rasmussen’s before he became head of BLM.

Oregon’s contribution to the Agency was about loggers and hydro power, grazing land, and railroad lands. Nowadays the Interior Sec is about ESA, National Monuments, and environmental activism. My, how things change. I wonder how many decades of economic decline it will take for those lands to be put back in play?

All things have a cost and a line in the budget. The more protection we give land, the more it costs to preserve it. The joke is that land can be preserved, but the organic component on it cannot. Your old growth forest of today will become the conflagration-resulting brush field at some time in the near future. That, however, can be a good thing. The more open land there is at elevation, the more snow fall that will be retained longer, and the more reflective surface there is to re-direct solar heat into the galaxies. The added benefit is that there is no warming tree canopy, and temperatures cool even more, as more heat can be lost at night to the ether. Maybe, just maybe, incineration of the forests across the broadest of landscapes will cool the earth and return it to the ice and snow covered sphere that it wants to be. Start growing your fur coat now for you will need it someday.

Global cooling by benign neglect. I can see it coming. Russia is losing some heat retaining boreal forest as I write. Moscow will cool and become its usual winter hell.

But the likes of rogue Interior Secretaries really don’t have much long lasting impact. The actions of one are soon repaired by the actions of the next, and after a century goes by, nothing really changes. The Govt. Agent is an ass, and somebody has to pay so they can justify their jobs.

8 Aug 2010, 2:49pm
by Forrest Grump

I got the draft via ARRA.

Pretty audacious. What needs to happen is the persons that drafted and guided this thing need to be outed. Most will probably be DOI “Politicals,” the flotsam that drifted in with Ken Salazar’s tide and will be washed out later.

But there are probably fully cognizant personnel that need to be ushered out, or sequestered like carbon. Celia Boddington is one name that pops up.

Reply: it may not be necessary to fire the entire crew. If the main perps were cashiered ungracefully, then the rank-and-file might get the message and reform.

8 Aug 2010, 4:26pm
by Brodie

Yes, get rid of them all!!

This document just appalled me. I really like how you tied everything together here.



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