8 Sep 2010, 2:42pm
Bears Cougars Homo sapiens Wolves
by admin

How to Confirm a Suspicion

By Jim Beers

There is a growing suspicion by rural residents that “pro-wolf” advocates are releasing wolves to supplement and extend the presence and future growth of wolf packs in the Lower 48 states. One wolf was killed in Ohio recently, a small pack was killed in Indiana, and a wolf was photographed by a trail camera in Illinois.

Where wolves now occur in the Upper Rockies, the Southwest, and in the Southeast; they have been forcibly introduced and militarily protected by federal bureaucrats utilizing federal laws and regulations that they drafted for politicians concerned with their reelection. This has resulted in:

- A spectacular loss of State Sovereignty over everything from resident wildlife, hunting programs, ranching, and rural economies to federal bureaucrats.

- Loss of big game populations like elk, moose and deer to wolves.

- Loss of livestock from cattle and sheep to llamas and pigs to wolves.

- Losses of pet dogs, watchdogs, working dogs, sporting dogs, and trailing dogs to wolves.

- Complete reorientation of rural lifestyles from how children go to and from school, what activities children can engage in outdoors, and where small children must be watched, to what disease potentials are from wandering wolves and how to keep any dogs safe from wolves.

- While it is still denied that wolves kill people; Russian records, American historical records, and recent killings by wolves in Saskatchewan and Alaska expose that lie. Wolves have killed numerous people worldwide for eons and at certain times in astonishingly large numbers.

- Diseases carried by wolves are both deadly and debilitating to humans, livestock, pets, and wildlife; yet no veterinarians or wildlife biologists will even comment on the dangers for fear of being exposed as either a coward or “politically correct” whenever one or more of the deadly diseases and infections are shown to have been or being spread by wolves.

Therefore, it is neither surprising nor improper for rural residents to be concerned that wolves are being spread surreptitiously in the Lower 48 states.

Wolves are NOT ENDANGERED in any sense of the word. They are “Listed” as “Endangered” and/or “Threatened” under the Endangered Species Act only to assuage animal rights and environmental radicals’ agendas and to make federal rule over all remaining wildlife under state authority subject to federal rules and regulations.

So, for all you rural residents worried about whether these radicals are releasing wolves in your neighborhood, there is a simple remedy. In those states where wolves do not currently occur (this is where the radicals will dump them) your state still has authority over resident (as opposed Migratory wildlife like certain birds named in treaties and species claimed as “Endangered” by federal officials and their “Cooperator/Partners” like The Defenders of Wildlife and Center for Biological Diversity et al) wildlife.

Recognizing that State Legislators, just like their federal cousins; and State bureaucrats, just like their federal cousins are seldom on the “side” of either rural residents or rural matters. Recognizing that there are tons of disinformation from bureaucrats and extremists about wolves (and cougars and bears for that matter) on TV, in schools, and in print. Recognizing that since time began, people that are not being seriously harmed by something (like pacifists to whom war is often an academic matter) are reluctant to accept that deadly force is necessary to protect those being directly harmed by either large predators just like rural residents threatened by rural criminals when law enforcement is hours away. I offer the following answer to the question about whether wolves are being dumped in your communities.

Ask your state legislator and your state senator to introduce and support legislation that “wolves are deadly predators and, as such, are not protected and may be taken at any time”.

Further, ask that the law state that bears are either to be kept at a certain level and ONLY in certain Counties or that they too may be taken whenever causing property (including animal property) damage or threatening human life.

Cougars should likewise be considered, like wolves, “deadly predators and, as such, are not protected and may be taken at any time.”

Additionally, depending on your state culture, ask your state legislator to include language that authorizes the regulated use of dogs, traps, rifles, shotguns, bait, and any other such appropriate methods to control any wolves or cougars entering the state.

The above law does several things:

* It makes federal intervention more difficult in the future.

* It protects human lives (and therefore families and communities) within the state.

* It preserves and reinforces rural “Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

* It protects big game populations and big game hunting.

* It preserves rural safety and the freedom of rural children to engage in outdoor activities.

* It keeps rural economies sound by protecting livestock and associated businesses.

* It protects rural dogs of all stripes.

*It minimizes the spread of diseases and infections by these large predators.

* It relieves the state of wildlife management expenses by having the citizenry monitor and control the problem, and it may even generate state revenue by charging a tax on any hides or other products sold or shipped elsewhere.

* It tells you which state legislators are on your side and which ones are selling you out to curry the votes of those who would sacrifice you and your way of life for their own selfish purposes.

* It tells you which ones of your state bureaucrats work for YOU as opposed federal counterparts and federal grant dispensers, i.e. the ones you need to get rid of and replace with ones that work for YOU.

* Finally, it lets you know if the radicals are dumping wolves (and cougars) in your state.

If they aren’t, why should they care? If they are, they will come at you with everything they’ve got because they really intend to ruin your communities and culture just like they are doing with wolves today and just as they did with spotted owls yesterday. Like hostile political entities, either you confront them and do what you must or one day they will be knocking on your door with rifle butts.

PS: If anyone burbles to you about “native species” or “native ecosystems” tell them that is nonsense. The USA in 2010 is as relevant to 1492 as a Ford F-150 is to a chariot. Human life and healthy human rural communities and families trump animal hegemony anywhere and anytime!

Jim Beers, 8 September 2010

Jim Beers is a retired US Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Biologist, Special Agent, Refuge Manager, Wetlands Biologist, and Congressional Fellow. He was stationed in North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York City, and Washington DC. He also served as a US Navy Line Officer in the western Pacific and on Adak, Alaska in the Aleutian Islands. He has worked for the Utah Fish & Game, Minneapolis Police Department, and as a Security Supervisor in Washington, DC. He testified three times before Congress; twice regarding the theft by the US Fish & Wildlife Service of $45 to 60 Million from State fish and wildlife funds and once in opposition to expanding Federal Invasive Species authority. He resides in Eagan, Minnesota with his wife of many decades.


Note: While in the main I concur with Mr. Beers’ essay, there is one point where I disagree.

He states, “The USA in 2010 is as relevant to 1492 as a Ford F-150 is to a chariot,” leaving the impression that the residents here in 1492 were not concerned with predators such as wolves, cougars, and grizzly bears.

That is not the case. Pre-Columbian residents valued their children at least as much as modern residents do, and their own lives and survival of their communities, and so they controlled deadly predator populations. A bear to an indigenous human being was a big bag of meat. The Indians were very capable hunters and harvested bears, wolves, and cougars when the opportunity arose.

They were not bleeding heart liberals who valued deadly predators over their own children and neighbors. That brand of deviancy is strictly modern.



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