22 Mar 2010, 9:33am
by admin

A Dark Day for America

The virtue of the American system was rule by mutual agreement, tempered by unwavering protection of individual rights. The job of our representatives was to find compromise that all could live with, even if some were not enthusiastic about it, but always within the confines of the Constitution.

That spirit of mutual agreement has been lost. We have devolved to tyranny of a bare majority, the very thing Alexis de Tocqueville warned against.

It is no secret that “progressive” means progression toward Marxist enslavement, the impoverishment of the masses, and enrichment of the ruling class.

This is a very dark day for America, not just because of the health care bill, not just because of the soaring deficit and attendant economic collapse, but more tragically, the end of the America system of governance of, by, and for the people. We the people, and we do exist as sovereign individuals, were once the masters of our own fates. Now we are chained in servitude to a powerful elite who govern us without our consent.

The Democrats gained power through slander and lies. They duped the electorate and sowed fear in the hearts of voters. Now they have turned on those who elected them, and proved their duplicity and ferocity.

Like wolves. Like wildfire.

There is a pestilence upon the land, and it is the Democrat Party.

This is not a political blog. We don’t campaign, we don’t recommend candidates, we don’t favor one party over another. But the foundation of America is crumbling, and we would be remiss not to point it out. Vote for whomever you want to, but know this: your vote means nothing anymore. By itself, voting will not cure the evil that has befallen this country.

Freedom isn’t free. Only those who are willing to pay the price will ever enjoy its fruits.

23 Mar 2010, 11:24am
by bear bait

It is beyond my comprehension that the vote on the bill was Sunday, and meanwhile the bill is still being written, and the final version is not yet done and ready for the President to sign, which can’t come until after there is a vote in the Senate to approve the House lampreys and remoras, by an up or down majority vote, which is 51 yeas in the Senate. So not only did people vote for a bill none had read, and many do not understand most of what is in it, what they voted on was not the finished product. All of which gives me pause to really wonder who does control these United States? I have an inkling that it is no longer “the people.”

24 Mar 2010, 8:59pm
by Juanita

Whoa. I must respectively disagree with your comments. I don’t think passing the health care bill was Congress’s finest hour but the Democratic party was not the party in control to diminish the middle class and create the biggest gap between the “haves” and “don’t haves” since the prior recession (depression). Don’t get caught up in the doom and gloom. If the current health care system didn’t take a huge part of the GDP and if the outcomes of the system we have had for last decades had better medical outcomes, not ranking 37 or 38th in the world, this wouldn’t have happened. We pretty much get the government we deserve…

25 Mar 2010, 10:44am
by Mike

I agree, Juanita. We deserved this.

Just like college students deserve to pay for it. Private lending institutions may no longer write student loans. That’s now the exclusive purview of the Federal Government. The interest rates will be going up, and no one will be able to default against the Feds. Ergo, college students will bear the cost of universal health care.

Except for a single bank in Rep. Earl Pomeroy’s North Dakota district that’s now the only one in the country that can still issue student loans. A deal was cut to buy Earl’s vote.

And a trickle of water was turned on for farmers in the San Joaquin Valley districts of California Democrats, Dennis Cardoza and Jim Costa, to buy their votes.

It’s all about extortion, i.e. business as usual in the government we deserve.

Don’t be swayed by the phony medical outcome stats. In the US we try to save patients, like premature babies and elders with heart failure, that other countries don’t. They let those patients die without treatment, so their stats look good in comparison.

But that’s all over now. Medical care will be rationed, like food and gas in time of war. Get in line.

We’ll need new prisons, too, to hold the criminals who refuse to buy health insurance, and 17,000 new IRS agents to bust those slackers.

Choice of doctors is gone. You will be assigned one, probably a near-doctor who doesn’t have an MD. He or she will be paid by the government, not the patient. What kind of medical care will result? Ever been to the DMV?

But we deserve all that. We have it coming. The mere fact that 75% of the public opposed the Health Care Bill, now the Law, is evidence that we will be getting our just desserts.

Government health care, government motors, government forests, government schools, government media, government everything. The Land of the Cowardly, Home of the Oppressed. Let’s tear down the Statue of Liberty, too. It’s a rude and ironic joke now.



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