6 Jun 2008, 10:54am
Climate and Weather Politics and politicians
by admin

Cap-and-Trade Kicks the Bucket

The Carbon Tax scheme known as the Cap-and-Trade Global Warming Bill was crushed today in the US Senate as Republicans filibustered it to death. Ironically, hot air strangled the Hot Air Bill. From Yahoo News [here]:

Democratic leaders fell a dozen votes short of getting the 60 needed to end a Republican filibuster on the measure and bring the bill up for a vote, prompting Majority Leader Harry Reid to pull the legislation from consideration.

A mighty blow was felt as Al Gore exploded. But Alarmists held on tight to false hopes that the worst Bill since Clinton did not dissipate into the ether:

The 48-36 vote fell short of a majority, but Democrats produced letters from six senators — including both presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain — saying they would have voted for the measure had they been there.

“It’s just the beginning for us,” proclaimed Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., a chief sponsor of the bill, noting that 54 senators had expressed support of the legislation, although that’s still short of what would be needed to overcome concerted GOP opposition.

“It’s clear a majority of Congress wants to act,” Boxer said at a news conference. She and other Democrats said this now lays the groundwork for action on climate change next year with a new Congress and a new president that will be more hospitable to mandatory greenhouse gas reductions.

Both Obama and McCain have called for capping carbon dioxide and other emissions linked to climate change.

Don’t hold your breath, wackos. Sure, Congress is as adept at flipping and waffling as an IHOP breakfast chef, but putting the kibosh on the American economy in the name of “saving the planet from warmth” is not going to happen, now or ever.

The facts are beginning to filter into the fog of deceit. The globe is cooling, not warming, and has been for 10 years. CO2 has nothing to do with it, either. Despite rising CO2 levels, the past year and a half have seen global temperatures plummet to lows not seen since Teddy Roosevelt was President.

Solar Cycle 24 is a year dilatory. Sunspots have mysteriously vanished. It is snowing in Oregon as I type, a most unusual June snowfall, and the garden outside my window is moldering in 40 degree temps. Global warming from greenhouse gases is a dying theory, much like my sickly tomato plants.

Barb Boxer’s hysteria notwithstanding, warmer is better, and people are beginning to realize that Summer 2008 may be the nicest day of the year this year. The vaunted Tax on Breathing would be more than punitive, it would be a Big Chill that fails to address crop failures, skyrocketing food prices, oil-shortage-induced stagflation, and Jimmy Carter gas lines.

As much as standing in line for a crust of bread is the attractive Stalinist model yearned for by the Dems, most Americans would rather not. Some of Congress got that message, even if the Mad Mad Mad Mad Media did not.

Supporters of the bill accused Republicans of muddying the water with misinformation.

Wow, is that ever getting it backasswards! But let the Dead Tree Press flail away and pander to the dumbest among us. Global warming has jumped the shark. It’s old news, dead news, and soon to be consigned to the Buggy Whip Bin of History. A few months from now, nobody but dim bulbs and Presidential candidates will still be floundering in that goo.

And we can all have a good laugh, and reminisce about the good old days, when we had actual summers and food crops grew in the fields of North America. You know, back before the food riots and mass starvation from Little Ice Age Junior, our post-post-modern climate.

6 Jun 2008, 11:48am
by Mike

For more commentary on the Death of Global Warming see

Climate-Change Collapse — Political Diary, Wall Street Journal, June 6, 2008 [here]:

Environmentalists are stunned that their global warming agenda is in collapse. Senator Harry Reid has all but conceded he lacks the vote for passage in the Senate and that it’s time to move on. Backers of the Warner-Lieberman cap-and-trade bill always knew they would face a veto from President Bush, but they wanted to flex their political muscle and build momentum for 2009. That strategy backfired. The green groups now look as politically intimidating as the skinny kid on the beach who gets sand kicked in his face.

6 Jun 2008, 11:50am
by Mike

And see

Global Warming in a Cooling World — by Bob Webster, WEBCommentary [here]:

Headlines from around the world strongly suggest that the ardor for “doing something” about carbon emissions has cooled substantially, just as has global temperatures over recent years. Cooling ardor is due to the sobering recognition that the costs of current “green” proposals will far exceed any benefit. Cooling planet is most likely due to the same natural cycles that drove the natural warming of the ’80s and ’90s on whose back the “global warming” zealots hitched their propaganda campaign. …

It should be worth noting that the Gallop poll results quoted above show Republicans more in line with current international opinion than Democrats, who apparently haven’t looked out the window and noticed the cooling in recent years. This might be explained by the dominance of liberals in the Democrat Party. Also contributing to the disparity between Republicans and Democrats is their different perceptions of media honesty. Republicans are highly suspicious of media pronouncements; Democrats generally accept them as truth. American Liberalism is very much a religion with its tenets simply accepted on faith and never questioned. Whatever NPR says is taken as absolute truth. Gore is a prophet in the American Liberal mind. Therefore, human-caused global warming must be true, regardless of any evidence to the contrary.

It must be very difficult being a good American Liberal these days. Having to deny reality on such a massive scale must be very stressful.

9 Jun 2008, 12:22pm
by Forrest Grump

The WAPO has a story on cranky Spanish truckers today. The strike is starting to “bite” as they say.

Someday soon, modern civilizationists are going to understand that it IS possible to freeze in the dark, even on a planet a whacking one degree Celsius warmer in a century.

Of course, the watermelons will come up with another crusade. And the gullible will listen.



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