Best Deer Hunting Repellent


Sure, deers may look innocent (especially with their big brown eyes), but don’t be fooled: deer can actually spread a lot of disease, damage your property or fencing and eat all of your plants!

Even though you may have installed a fence to keep them out, deer are usually extremely good at jumping over fences, making them a frustrating problem for homeowners, landscapers and gardeners alike.

Luckily for us, you can take control by investing in a deer repellent, which is essentially a highly effective way of stopping hungry deer from eating your plants, flowers and herbs!

In this article, we are going to be running through the best deer repellents available on the market, as well as going into detail about the types of deer repellents you can buy in our buyer’s guide section.

Whether you’re a deer repellent expert and looking for a new go-to, or you’ve only recently encountered the frustrations that deer can bring, keep reading to discover our top 5 picks for keeping pesky deer at bay and keeping your garden full of plants… It’s the only way to keep Bambi from eating your fresh, dewy roses!

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Our Pick

Feeling pinched for time? Our top pick for the best deer repellent is the bestselling Bobbex Deer Repellent Concentrated Spray! 

This Bobbex repellent solution has been created to contain a specially formulated combination of all natural ingredients that are guaranteed to scare away all types of deer off of your land.

The all-natural solution may be a little harsh on your nose, but its strong odor does fade after time. 

It's really effective on keeping deer out of your garden and will continue to work for up to 2 months in most weather conditions.

Best Deer Hunting Repellent - Comparison Table

Best Deer Hunting Repellent - Reviews

The Bobbex Deer Repellent Concentrated Spray is a customer favorite for a reason! It is an all-natural solution that has been tried, tested and given the seal of approval to be highly effective against blacktail deer, whitetail deer, mule deer and even elk or moose!

If you’re wondering how this bobbex deer repellent is so effective, it’s because it contains a combination of taste and smell deterrents, as well as all-natural ingredients (including whole egg, garlic, wintergreen oil, cloves, fish oil, urea and magnesium sulfate to name a few) to create an environmentally friendly solution that will scare away deer from your garden, time and time again.

Wondering how to use it? It couldn’t be easier! All you have to do is mix the concentrate with water in a spray bottle and then it’s good to go. 

Ensuring optimum performance, this repellent spray can be applied directly to the plants that deer have been seen previously eating( and will last for up to 2 months before need to be reapplied!).

Made to withstand all types of weather conditions, too, this formula will not wash off! However, to get the best results, we recommend applying in dry weather. You should also be aware that this  mix has a very potent smell, (so you may want to wear a face mask during application), but the smell does fade quickly when the product dries while continuing to repel deer. Be sure to check out our list of the best deer carts for more great items like this.


  • Can be used on all types of deer and even moose
  • All natural ingredients
  • Easy to use


  • Very strong smell
  • You can’t spray this on edible plants/foods

Next up, is the superb Deer Out Concentrate Deer Repellent. Unlike other deer repellents, this solution has been formulated with a really pleasant smell (no mask needed) that will help to effectively keep deer far away.

Wondering what sets this deer repellent apart from the rest? Well, one of the main features of this long-lasting repellent is that you can spray it on all types of plants including edible herbs and plants as the repellent contains all-natural ingredients, as well as no harmful chemicals or poisons. 

The repellent also has a very pleasant peppermint smell that isn’t going to make you want to hold your nose! It can be used all year round (including the wetter months - it won’t wash off) and as this concentrate makes 2.5 gallons when mixed with water, it offers great value for money, too! 

The only potential downside is that you will have to reapply this concentrate every two weeks, but you can rest assured that deer will not eat your plants when using this formula. Not satisfied? Deer Out also offers a very generous 100% money-back guarantee. Before you leave, why not check out our best deer attractants guide - and see what our top picks are.


  • Pleasant peppermint smell
  • All natural ingredients
  • Easy to use


  • You will have to reapply every two weeks

Tired of deer invading your garden and eating your plants and flowers? The I Must Garden Deer Repellent will have them leaving your garden in no time!

This superb ready-to-use spray (you don’t have to mix this solution) combines two highly effective repellents that are known to scare away deer, while also including ingredients that deer do not like including fish, garlic and eggs. 

Ensuring optimum efficiency, I Must Gardenworks works to increase the potency by adding botanical oils from plants that have been proven to repel deer like peppermint, cinnamon and clove to name a few! 

Plus, these added botanical oils have an alluring scent to humans, which makes the application process a lot more enjoyable for you. These natural oils also help to increase the effectiveness and longevity of the repellent. What’s not to love?

Not only that, the all-natural ingredients also mean you can safely use this product around your pets, as well as it being environmentally friendly! If that wasn’t impressive enough, all of these products are long lasting and rain-resistant. It gets our seal of approval! Be sure to check out our list of the best cover scent for deer hunting for more great items like this.


  • Affordable price point
  • Easy to use spray concentrate
  • Pleasant odor
  • Long lasting and rain resistant


  • Some users have found that the sprayer can become clogged quite quickly after purchasing

Rather not use a potent spray solution? The Univerayo Electronic Deer Repeller is here to answer the call.

Innovative and powerful, this animal repeller features two red LED lights which effectively stimulate fire to the eyes of deer. It is an extremely humane and harmless way of scaring away deer (and even other types of nocturnal predators or animals like coyotes, rabbits and bears to name a few).

Environmentally conscious, electricity is not needed to power this clever repeller as this device uses the power of the sun by featuring a solar panel that is able to absorb the sunlight (in direct sunlight it will charge in 5 hours). 

The automatic sensor in the LED light then emits a powerful flashing red light that can flash up to 180 times per minute in darkness to help stimulate fire and keep pesky deer at bay!

The Univerayo is also very easy to use, (just press the on button to start it up). However, as soon as it is fully charged, it will automatically start working during the night for up to 12 hours. 

Impressive, no? Suitable for all weather conditions, the repeller has a durable waterproof design which means you can use it in all weather conditions.

This repeller also has an adjustable mounting height (up to around 8 feet) that can be screwed or nailed onto whatever you wish (such as a tree, post or wall). 

Not only that, this innovative repeller offers a wide detection zone which covers an area of half a mile long and 800 feet wide to make sure that predators are kept out of your land.


  • Effective and high quality
  • Very affordable price
  • Emulates fire to scare away deer
  • Suitable for other animals
  • Weatherproof case will withstand icy conditions


  • The repeller needs to be placed high up to be able to detect deer

Last up in our roundup comes the Enviro Pro Deer Scram Repellent Granular White Pail! Super versatile,  this is a great choice for a variety of people (including gardeners, landscapers and homeowners) and works very effectively at repelling deer and other animals away before they start eating your beautiful flowers.

One of the highlights of this repellent? You don’t have to reapply it as often as a spray!  It’s really easy to use and can go up to 30 to 45 days before needing to be reapplied. It’s also water-soluble, meaning that it won’t wash away in the rain. 

Not only that, the all-natural granules come in a large pail, contain no synthetic additives and as they are non-toxic and biodegrade into high nitrogen organic nutrients, they’re also highly beneficial for the health of your plants!

Wondering how this repellent works, though? Upon exposure, the smell and taste of the granules will instantly turn deer away, and the best part? The odor is not unpleasant for humans, so you can apply these granules and tend to your plants without any discomfort!


  • Non toxic and biodegradable
  • Appealing odor
  • Beneficial to plant health
  • Only has to be topped up every month


  • Not suitable for use around dogs (it can cause digestion problems)

Best Deer Hunting Repellent - Buyers Guide

Types of Deer Repellents

Ah, the world of deer repellents. With so much choice on the market, it can be hard to decipher which type is the very best for you. Whether you want a really potent solution or want to go for something a little more mild, there’s plenty of high quality options for you to choose from. 

To make your deer repellent shopping a little easier, we have made a list below highlighting the differences between all the different types:

1. Natural Deer Repellents

Whether for environmental reasons or personal preference, all natural deer repellents are becoming a more popular choice than ever before, especially as they enable you to keep deer at bay without resorting to the use of harsh and toxic chemicals that can be potentially dangerous to the wildlife, your pets and even yourself. 

With the use of a natural repellent, you can effectively keep deers out of your area without causing any harm - something that we think is very important.

Something that you should be aware of is that these concentrated solution sprays do tend to contain ingredients that can create a very strong smell (such as garlic, cloves, wintergreen oil, fish meal, fish oil, urea, magnesium sulfate, magnesium silica). 

This means that deer will instantly be repelled from the scent (keeping your prized plants, flowers and herbs intact!). 

However, one thing to remember when using is that you may have to wear a protective face mask as the odor may overwhelm you. After a while, the scent will fade but rest assured, though you may not be able to detect the smell, deer definitely will!

The only potential negative of using an all natural repellent is that you may need to reapply the product every month, or every two weeks (depending on the particular repellent and how water-resistant it is). 

A benefit of using a spray is that you can apply the product directly onto individual plants that deer like to eat quickly and with accuracy.

2. Electronic Devices

A great, environmentally friendly alternative that you can use to repel deer electronic/ultrasonic deer repellents! These low-maintenance devices ensure no odor and maximum efficiency in keeping deer (and even other types of animals like coyotes) far away from your plants! 

We think this is a great option for those who do not want any fuss when using a repellent, as these devices are often solar-powered, meaning that the sun will charge it up for you.

3. Ultrasonic Devices

Another type of deer repellent are ultrasonic device repellents. These are motion-activated sensors that can quickly and easily detect when deer are approaching and then emit special high frequency sounds that will make the deer run for the hills.

The device may also use powerful LED lights in conjunction with ultrasonic sounds that make the repeller even more effective at scaring away deer. 

4. Water Jet / Deer Sprinkler Repellents

Another innovative type of repellent that you can consider using is a deer sprinkler. These repellents are similar to the water sprinkler systems that you can use to water your garden at home, but these repellents have the added extra of a motion-activated sensor that turns on as soon as a deer enters your property, releasing a powerful shot of water that scares the animal away. 

These types of repellents provide you with a very humane way of controlling a deer invasion, as well as even watering your plants!

What to Remember When Applying a Spray or a Granular Deer Repeller

Now you’ve reached this far, we’re hoping that you have a great insight into deer repellents (and have perhaps picked the perfect repellent for you?). However, we want to quickly recap what to remember before using your repellent for the first time:

In general, the best time for you to apply deer repellent is when the weather is warm and dry (spray solution) so that the solution has time to dry (although most will not wash away if exposed to rain). 

We also suggest avoiding spraying in windy conditions for safety reasons. Another aspect to note is that if it happens to snow, you may need to reapply your deer repellent much more frequently.

One other point to remember is that some repellents cannot be used on plants that are grown for human consumption (like vegetables or herbs), so we recommend to always read the product’s instruction label before you use it.


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